Environmental Engineering Reference
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H S,
T and dissolved sulphide H 2 Sinthe
Figure 10.
The relationship between total alkalinity A
Black Sea water column.
53 SO 2 4
106 HCO 3 +
16 NH 4 +
( CH 2 O ) 106 ( NH 3 ) 16 MeHPO 4
37 H 2 S
16 HS +
A T = 123,
A T /
C T = 1.16,
A T /S T = 2.32, e.g. when
/S T = 2 then
C T . The “Richard's” equation is usually
used to derive theoretical ratios of nutrients formed during mineralization of the
organic matter. The 'theoretical ratios' can be compared with the observed in
situ ratios. Deviations in the observed
A T /S T =2
A T /
C T /S T ratios in the Black Sea anoxic
zone have been explained either by the non-stoichiometric mineralization of the
organic matter or by a relative increase(decrease) in the total inorganic carbon
due to CaCO 3 dissolution(precipitation) reactions [19, 27, 108, 110].
The stoichiometry of the organic matter composition and its anaerobic min-
(C:S:N:P = 106:53:16:1) is only the first approximation of the
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