Travel Reference
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acy like scratchy vocals, jerky animatronics and a light-and-sound show that sounds as if
it was recorded some time around the late Cretaceous.
Appalachian Trail Conservancy HIKING
( 304-535-6331; ; 799 Washington Trail, cnr Washington & Jackson Sts;
9am-5pm Mon-Fri Apr-Oct) The 2160-mile Appalachian Trail is headquartered here at
this tremendous resource for hikers.
( 800-326-7238; ; 408 Alstadts Hill Rd) The go-to place for rafting, ca-
noeing, tubing, kayaking and multiday cycling trips, plus cycle rental.
Sleeping & Eating
HI-Harpers Ferry Hostel HOSTEL$
( 301-834-7652; ; 19123 Sandy Hook Rd, Knoxville, MD; dm $20; mid-Apr-mid-
Oct; ) Located 2 miles from downtown on the Maryland side of the Potomac
River, this friendly hostel has plenty of amenities including a kitchen, laundry and lounge
area with games and books.
Jackson Rose B&B$$$
( 304-535-1528; ; 1167 W Washington St; r weekday/weekend $135/150;
) This marvelous brick 18th-century residence with stately gardens has three at-
tractive guestrooms, including a room where Stonewall Jackson briefly lodged during the
Civil War. Antique furnishings and vintage curios are sprinkled about the house, and the
cooked breakfast is excellent. It's a 600m walk downhill to the historic district. No chil-
dren under 12.
Town's Inn INN$$$
( 877-489-2447, 304-702-1872; ; 175 & 179 High St; r $70-140; ) Spread
between two neighboring pre-Civil War residences, the Town's Inn has rooms ranging
from small and minimalist to charming heritage-style quarters. It's set in the middle of
the historic district and has an indoor-outdoor restaurant as well.
Canal House AMERICAN$$$
(1226 Washington St; mains $7-14; 11am-3pm Wed-Sat, 5:30-8:30pm Thu-Sat, noon-6pm Sun;
) Roughly 1 mile west (and uphill) from the historic district, Canal House is a perenni-
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