Chemistry Reference
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tAble 2.2
example IQ Instrument Identification Form
Equipment Name
Serial Number
Firmware Revision Number
Owner's Equipment Number
Enter N/A in the installed column for any components not applicable to this instrument
Installed (Initials)
serial number
Sample Heater/Cooler
Column Heater/Cooler
Column Selection Valve
Bar Code Reader
Other (list)
The Performer as signed below attests that the information identifying the system described above is
accurate and complete.
The Reviewer as signed below attests that the information identifying the system described above is
accurate and complete.
Note: Similar forms may be used for other instruments and components, for example, detectors, fraction
collectors, etc.
modules in the system should be repeated whenever the instrument undergoes major
repairs or modifications. Hplc pump Flow rate Accuracy
Pump flow rate accuracy is typically determined over a range of values, from
0.5  to  5.0  mL/min, for general analytical work, and sometimes lower (down to
0.25  mL/min) for work using mass spectrometry (MS) detection. Methanol is
commonly used, and must be thoroughly degassed. A length of tubing or other flow
restriction device is attached to the outlet of the pump to provide 500-700 psi of
backpressure at the testing flow rate. Once the backpressure has stabilized, a cali-
brated stopwatch is used to measure the amount of time used to fill a Class A volu-
metric flask. The flow rate is calculated using the following equation:
Calculated flow rate = Volume of flask/(Time in seconds/60)
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