Biomedical Engineering Reference
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The finite element method is an ideal biomechanical tool because it is able to provide the details
of multiple parameters regarding stress, strain, displacement, and energy. With FE modeling and
analysis, biomechanical information can be compared between a reconstructed and normal pelvis,
and physicians and researchers can determine which operation is more biomechanically reliable or
what can be done to improve current methods. In the last five years, the number of FE studies based
on the pelvis has increased remarkably, as summarized in Table 11.1. However, studies on pelvic
reconstruction are still limited, as listed in Table 11.2.
table 11.1
Finite element models of the Pelvis and applications in the literature since 2009
model Components
Ivanov et al.
L4-S1 unites, pelvis and
To quantify the increase in sacrum angular
motions and stress across SIJ as a function of
fused lumbar spine
Roychowdhury, and
Pelvis, femur, soft tissue
To evaluate the responses to changing body
configurations during backward fall
Leung et al.
Pelvic bones and ligaments,
bilateral proximate femurs
To analyze pelvic strains as a function of
interior and cortical surface bone density, and
to compare high-strain regions with common
insufficiency fracture sites
Zhang et al.
Pelvic bones with a cemented
acetabular cup
To develop a subject-specific FE pelvic bone
model and study the bone-cement interfacial
response in cemented acetabular replacements
Eichenseer, Sybert,
and Cotton
Pelvic bones and ligaments
To characterize the sacroiliac ligament strains in
response to different loads and quantify the
changes in SIJ stress and angular displacement
in response to changes in the ligament stiffness
Hao et al.
Pelvic bones and ligaments
To study the effect of boundary conditions on
the pelvic biomechanics predictions
Shim et al.
Fractured pelvis,
fragment and femoral head
To measure interfragmentary movements in the
conventional open approach with plate
fixations in the acetabular fractures and
compare them; and to develop a way of
predicting interfragmentary movement
Böhme et al.
Fractured pelvis and
iliosacral screws
To test if patient-specific FE models can predict
implant behavior under real conditions to
avoid implant failure and secondary operation
Bréaud et al.
Pelvis, fat, puboprostatic
ligament, perineal
membrane, prostate, the
urinary system
To develop a computerized FE model by
digitizing the male pelvis in order to
understand the associated pelvic ring trauma
and posterior urethral trauma
Kiapour et al.
L3-S1, pelvic bones and
ligaments, bilateral
proximate femurs
To assess the relationship between leg length
discrepancy and the load distribution across
Kunze et al.
Pelvis, acetabular implant
To determine the muscle forces of the activity
of getting up from different seat heights by
multibody simulation and the evaluation of
the micro-motions at the acetabular
implant-bone interface during those activities
2012; 2013
Ghosh et al.
Intact and implanted
composite hemipelvis
To assess the validity of the generation
procedure of the FE model of intact and
implanted artificial pelvises
Small et al.
Implanted composite
To examine the combined effects of acetabular
cup orientation and stiffness and on pelvic
osseous loading
Note: SIJ: sacroiliac joint; FE: finite element.
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