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Pop quiz - sprites and actions
Q1. A SpriteBatchNode can contain what types of elements?
1. Sprites using textures from two or more sprite sheets.
2. Sprites using the same source texture.
3. Blank sprites.
4. Sprites using textures from one sprite sheet and one other image.
Q2. In order to run an action nonstop, what do I need to use?
1. RepeatForever .
2. Repeat .
3. The default behavior of an action is to run nonstop.
4. Actions can't repeat forever.
Q3. In order to animate a sprite so that it would move to a certain point on the screen and
then fade out, what actions would I need?
1. A Sequence listing an EaseIn and EaseOut action.
2. A Sequence listing a FadeOut and MoveTo action.
3. A Sequence listing a MoveTo or MoveBy and a FadeOut action.
4. A Sequence listing a RotateBy and FadeOut action.
Q4. To create a sprite frame animation, what group of classes are absolutely essential?
1. Sprite , SpriteBatchNode , and EaseIn .
2. SpriteFrameCache , RotateBy , and ActionManager .
3. Sprite , Layer , and FadeOut .
4. SpriteFrame , Animation , and Animate .
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