Agriculture Reference
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information on perceptions of health and environment risks as well as
practices across a broad set of farmers, not just those who participated in the
focus groups.
These questionnaires were developed in collaboration with farmers, the
researcher's supervisors and other researchers at the University of Dakar and
the University of Lausanne. Reliability of the questionnaires was assessed by
having the same ones implemented twice, first by a farmer and subsequently
by a university student. The way in which questions were asked in Wolof and
the way responses were given in these questionnaires were compared and few
important differences were found. Descriptive summaries of questionnaire
data were provided to the farmers during feedback sessions and workshops.
Interactive workshops on wastewater and pesticide health and environment
effects, and methods to reduce their negative impacts, were an important
method for training and issue identification. Experts from the University of
Dakar, ANCAR and others facilitated initial training workshops, which were
then replicated throughout the zone by trained farmers. Figure 10.4 illustrates
Figure 10.4 Methods of data collection, participatory education and
action research
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