Biomedical Engineering Reference
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in which C represents the target RNA concentration in plasma (pg/mL for
GAPDH ; copies/mL for hPL ), Q represents the target RNA concentrations of
the extracted RNA samples (pg/
L for hPL ), which is
determined by a sequence detector in a PCR, V RNA represents the total volume
of RNA obtained after extraction (typically 30
L for GAPDH , copies/
L), V Plasma represents the vol-
ume of plasma used for extraction (typically 1.6 mL).
The validations of both the GAPDH mRNA ( 11 ) and hPL mRNA ( 17 ) real-
time RT-PCR systems are described in previous publications.
4. Notes
Primers and probes are designed with the use of Primer Express ® Software v2.0
(Applied Biosystems). Certain precautions for the design are listed as follows:
a. The amplicon length should be less than 100 bp, ideally no longer than 80 bp.
Short amplicon length is preferable for several reasons: (1) the synthetic
oligonucleotide which is used as a calibration curve ( see Note 3 ) is commer-
cially available with size only up to 100 nucleotides. Thus, the amplicon length
is limited to 100 bp; and (2) amplification with shorter amplicon length is
more efficient than that involving longer amplicon length ( 18 ) .
b. Primers for amplification should ideally be intron-spanning in order to mini-
mize any amplification of contaminating genomic DNA. The primer/probe
locations of GAPDH and hPL mRNA are showed in Fig. 1 . By using intron-
spanning primers, intron-containing amplification products from the
contaminating genomic DNA are too long to be amplified and thus the ampli-
fication will be cDNA-specific. If the intron/exon junctions are unknown, or
when targeting an intron-less gene, it is necessary to perform DNase treat-
ment in RNA samples ( see Note 8 ).
c. To avoid false-positive results arising from co-amplification of genes with
high homology, it is necessary to perform a BLASTN search with the primer
and probe sequences against the NCBI GenBank. The result of such search
will provide information regarding the specificity of the amplification.
For the GAPDH RT-PCR system, the use of synthetic oligonucleotides as the cali-
bration curve ( see Note 3 ) is impossible because of the 226-bp long GAPDH
amplicon. In this situation, the Human Control RNA is used instead. The manu-
facturer estimates that 1 pg of this control RNA contains approx 100 copies of
GAPDH transcript.
Generally, in vitro-transcribed RNA is used as a calibration curve for an absolute
RNA quantification. This in vitro-transcribed RNA is usually generated by
subcloning the amplicon behind a T7 RNA polymerase promoter in a plasmid
vector. However, this procedure is labor-intensive and time-consuming, and is
unsuitable when a large number of RT-PCR systems need to be constructed in a
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