Biomedical Engineering Reference
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Fig. 1. (A) Locations of primers and probe for glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehy-
drogenase ( GAPDH ) mRNA. (B) Locations primers, probe and synthetic DNA oligo-
nucleotide for human placental lactogen ( hPL ) mRNA.
short period of time. An alternative method that is increasingly used is to con-
struct a calibration curve with the use of synthetic single-stranded oligonucle-
otides specifying the various amplicons. Previous data have shown that such
single stranded oligonucleotides reliably mimic the products of the reverse tran-
scription step and produce calibration curves that are identical to those obtained
using T7-transcribed RNA ( 18 ) . The synthetic oligonucleotide for hPL mRNA is
showed in Fig. 1B .
Our studies have revealed that 1.6 mL of plasma is the minimal sample volume for
robust plasma RNA detection for many RNA targets. Thus, we strongly suggest
that at least 4 mL of blood samples should be collected. For the GAPDH RT-PCR
system, the minimal plasma sample volume is 0.6 mL.
When the blood samples are left unprocessed, their corresponding plasma and
serum RNA concentrations will fluctuate over time ( 12 ) . This artifactual fluctua-
tion may be due to several factors, such as release of RNA from necrotic and/or
apoptotic blood cells, and the stability of the original and the newly released RNA.
To guarantee a reliable plasma and serum RNA concentrations, we recommend all
blood samples, including EDTA blood and clotted blood, be stored at 4°C and be
processed within 6 h.
Based on our previous report that blood processing by different protocols would
affect the result of plasma DNA quantitation ( 20 , 21 ) , our current protocol
involves an initial 1600 g centrifugation of blood samples followed by a second
centrifugation at 16,000 g . This protocol has been shown to minimize the contribu-
tion of RNA and DNA derived from residual cells in plasma.
A recent study has shown that RNA in frozen plain plasma would degrade with
time ( 22 ) . Therefore, to preserve the integrity of RNA, Trizol LS reagent should
be added to the plasma before storage if the sample is to be archived ( 22 ) . Based
on our studies (unpublished), if RNA extraction would be performed within 2 wk, it
is acceptable to store plasma at the following conditions: (1) -80°C with or with-
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