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addition to this, she associated it with entertainment contexts. It is clear that, in her
opinion, video games are not present in formal learning environments; they are
often missing in schools. From this perspective, Holzman ( 2010 ) refers to the fact
that “in nearly all schools the elements of ZPD-creating, freedom from knowing,
creative imitation, and completion are absent” (p. 36), hence the motivation surely
felt by students entering the game in formal learning contexts.
Tools and Creative Processes: Specifi c Software for Game Design
The use of specifi c instruments to create is relevant in the context of sociocultural
psychology. In this case, one of them was the software, Game Maker. From this
perspective, for example, Connery ( 2010 ) states that knowledge and creation are not
directly internalized processes but through the use of instruments, not just the lan-
guage but also the physical tools and materials. Managing this tool required inter-
disciplinary work between the different members of each group, i. e., scheduling the
game involves creating a scenario, integrating the characters, defi ning a pattern of
sounds, developing game options, and so on. The teacher and the student program-
mer were aware of it, and that's how it was described in an interview on a local radio
station maintained once we fi nished the workshop.
Fragment 4. The meaning of software
Radio interview. 2013 05 25
Programmer: In general, I think none of the programmers of the four groups had any idea of
Radio broadcaster: No idea? Did you start from scratch?
Programmer: Well, I for one did not know that the program existed.
Radio broadcaster: What program did you use?
Programmer: Game Maker
Radio broadcaster: So is it a program designed [asking the teacher] to make video games?
Teacher: Yes, it is a program that gives you the basics and, because it is otherwise (…) clear, it
gives you ideas on how to establish forces, vectors, and so on. It is quite complicated. But
through the program they can see what happens when a force is applied, something that they
already know from their physics and chemistry lessons. That is, something like Newton's
apple falling down [laughing]. They see it in their language, that is, the language of video
We will emphasize the importance given to the software by the students, which
will allow them to build the game. The software presents another kind of language
that the students must learn to communicate in a digital society. The teacher is con-
cerned about how to apply school knowledge to everyday life.
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