Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Today, Nepal is experiencing rapidᆳand, in most respects,
highly positiveᆳchanges. Since 1990, the country has enjoyed
a relatively stable democratic government. The result has been
widespread improvements in education, communications,
transportation, technology, the arts, and water resource develᆳ
opment. Tourism also has experienced considerable developᆳ
ment during recent years.
In terms of international relations, Nepal has long played
the geopolitical role of a strategic buffer zone that has contribᆳ
uted to transᆳHimalayan political stability. Located between two
antagonistic neighbors, China and India, Nepal has often had
a difficult time balancing its relations with the two countries.
This was particularly true during periods of conflict within the
region. Outside pressures, for example, pressed upon Nepal
like a giant vice during the ChinaᆳIndia War (1962) and durᆳ
ing the Cold War between the West and the Communist world
during much of the latter half of the twentieth century.
Diplomatic relationships between Nepal and the United
States were established in April 1947, earlier than with either
of its neighbors (India in 1947 and China in 1955). The relaᆳ
tionship was strained much of the time, however, because
of Nepal's own political instability. After the attack on New
York's World Trade Center and the Pentagon in Washington,
DC, on September 11, 2001, things changed. The United States
began to provide technical (military) and other support to the
government of Nepal to fight the terrorism being inflicted on
the country by Maoist insurgents. The U.S. secretary of state,
Colin Powell, visited Nepal and offered his country's supᆳ
port to Nepal's own war against Maoist terrorism. They also
discussed human rights, military activities, and development
strategies. Relationships between the two countries continue
to strengthen. In 2007, for example, Nepal ranked thirteenth
among foreign countries with regard to the number of students
studying in the United States.
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