Civil Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
Fig. 9.1 VWFS WEGA, sounding, wreck searching, and research vessel of the BSH. Photo
by BSH
Fig. 9.2 Impression of the German test wind park alpha ventus on 12 May 2013 in the morning
( left ) and in the evening ( right )
Temperature Measurement
A platinum thermometer Pt100 is commonly used for temperature measurement via
CTD. That is a resistance wire, which has a temperature of 0 C and an electrical
resistance of 100
. Platinum is used due to its long-term stability and
reproductibility of electrical conditions. The coefficient of specific resistance is
positive, which means resistance grows with temperature. The relationship is linear,
but the temperature coefficient of platinum is small, 3.85
10 3 / C. The level of
measured accuracy requires a value of 0.01 C; the aimed resolution is 0.001 C.
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