Biomedical Engineering Reference
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solver, described in Algorithm 3, solves Eq. (8.4) using the “up-wind scheme”
(not explicitly defined) and the sparse-field narrow-band method of [36], with
V 0 as the initialization and V edge and V grad as the force field in the speed
Algorithm 1: M AIN ( V 1 ,..., V D )
comment: V 1 ,..., V D are nonuniform samplings of object V
global V edge , V grad
V 0 uniform sampling of empty space
for d 1to D
do V 0 V 0 I NITIALIZATION ( V d )
V edge ←∇ [distance transform[zero-crossing[ V edge ]]]
V 0 S OLVE L EVEL S ET E Q ( V 0 , V edge ,α, 0)
V 0 S OLVE L EVEL S ET E Q ( V 0 , V grad ,α,β )
return (Marching Cubes mesh of V 0 )
Algorithm 2: I NITIALIZATION ( V d )
comment: Preprocessing to produce good LS initialization
V d Uniform trilinear resampling of V d
d Set of voxels in narrow band of isosurface of V d
for each “unprocessed” x 0 d
Solve moving least-squares problem at x 0
V edge ( x 0 ) scalar Canny edge, cf. Equation (8.12)
V grad ( x 0 ) 3D directional edge, cf. Equation (8.13)
return ( V d )
Algorithm 3: S OLVE L EVEL S ET EQ ( V 0 , V ,α,β )
comment: Solve Equation (8.4) with initial condition φ ( t = 0) = V 0
φ V 0
Set of voxels in narrow band of isosurface of φ
t γ/ sup x V ( x ) 1
for each x
n upwind scheme [ −∇ φ ( x ) / φ ( x ) ]
φ ( x ) ←∇ φ ( x ) ( α V ( x ) · n + β ∇· n )
φ ( x ) φ ( x ) +
φ ( x ) t
until sup x
φ ( x )
return ( φ )
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