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and can be defined as ill-conditioned if the reciprocal of its condition number
approaches the computer's floating-point precision. This can occur if the prob-
lem is overdetermined (number of sample points, x d greater than number of
coefficients C ) and underdetermined (ambiguous combinations of the coeffi-
cients C work equally well or equally bad). To avoid such numerical problems,
a singular value decomposition (SVD) linear equation solver is recommended
for use in combination with the moving least-squares method. The SVD solver
identifies equations in the matrix A that are, within a specified tolerance, re-
dundant (i.e., linear combinations of the remaining equations) and eliminates
them thereby improving the condition number of the matrix. We refer the reader
to [54] for a helpful discussion of SVD pertinent to linear least-squares problems.
Once we have the expansion coefficients c , we can readily express the Hes-
sian matrix and the gradient vector of the combined input volumes as
C (0)
100 , C (0)
010 , C (0)
V =
2 C (0)
C (0)
C (0)
C (0)
2 C (0)
C (0)
H V =
C (0)
C (0)
2 C (0)
evaluated at the moving expansion point x 0 . This in turn is used in Eq. (8.13) to
compute the edge information needed to drive the level set surface. Algorithm Overview
Algorithm 1 describes the main steps of our approach. The initialization rou-
tine, Algorithm 2, is called for all of the multiple nonuniform input volumes,
V d . Each nonuniform input dataset is uniformly resampled in a common coordi-
nate frame ( V 0 's) using trilinear interpolation. Edge information and the union,
V 0 , of the V d 's are then computed. Algorithm 1 calculates Canny and 3D direc-
tional edge information using moving least-squares in a narrow band in each
of the resampled input volumes, V d , and buffers this in V edge and V grad . Next
Algorithm 1 computes the distance transform of the zero-crossings of the Canny
edges and takes the gradient of this scalar volume to produce a vector field
V edge , which pulls the initial level set model to the Canny edges. Finally the level
set model is attracted to the 3D directional edges of the multiple input volumes,
V grad , and a Marching Cubes mesh is extracted for visualization. The level set
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