Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
a smattering of travel guides. Daily 10am-10pm.
Monument Books On the riverside south of Psar Chas
T 063 966450; map p.140. One of the city's best selections
of Cambodia-related titles, plus a few local newspapers and
international magazines. Daily 8am-10pm.
New Leaf Book Café Off Pokambor Ave T 063 766016,
W; map p.140. This excellent little
café (see p.150) doubles as an impromptu secondhand
bookshop, its walls lined with bookshelves stuffed with
assorted fiction both pulp and literary. Daily 7am-9.30pm.
Siem Reap Book Centre Hospital St (between Ucare
Pharma & The Blue Pumpkin) T 012 929298; map
p.140. Excellent range of books on Cambodian history, art
and architecture. Daily 8.30am-11pm.
end of Pub St T 012 884909, W camouflagecambodia
.com; map p.140. Well-equipped cycling shop with
various bits of kit for sale. They also do repairs, run tours
(see p.145) and have rental bikes (city bike $3, mountain
bike $7, both including helmet). Daily 7am-8pm.
Minimarkets For basic provisions, there are numerous
minimarkets dotted around the centre (including a cluster
of places along Sivatha Blvd roughly opposite the western
end of Pub St, which seem to cater exclusively to a clientele
of intoxicated Western shoppers stocking up on beer and
Supermarkets There's a well-stocked supermarket in the
Angkor Trade Centre on Pokambor Ave just north of Psar
Chas, or try the similar Lucky Market supermarket in the
Lucky Mall at the northern end of Sivatha Blvd.
Camouflage Down the road opposite the northeast
Dentists Pachem Dental Clinic, Angkor Wat Rd, just north
Pharmacies The best of the town's pharmacies is Ucare
Pharma. Its main branch (daily 8am-midnight; T 012
731152), with trained, English-speaking pharmacists, is on
Hospital St near The Blue Pumpkin ; branches also at the
Lucky and Angkor National Museum malls. There are also
plenty of pharmacies around Psar Chas and east of the river
on NR6.
Phones You can make domestic calls from the booths
around the markets and international calls at the main post
o ce on Pokambor Ave (daily 7am-5.30pm). Cheap
international calls can be made at Siem Reap's internet
cafés. Tourist SIM cards are available from the many mobile
telephone service providers, most of whom have of ces on
Sivatha Blvd.
Photography You'll find a handful of photographic
studios along NR6, east of the river, that stock batteries,
film and so on. Most of the photo shops in town can also
make prints from your SD card or CD.
Police The tourist police o ce is opposite the main
entrance to the Angkor Archaeological Park ( T 012
402424). To report sex offenders (see p.37) contact the
police nationwide hotline ( T 023 997919) or ChildSafe
( T 012 311112).
Post and couriers The post o ce is on Pokambor Ave
(daily 8am-5pm), where you can post parcels, collect poste
restante mail and make domestic and international calls.
Local couriers include DHL, at 15A Sivatha Blvd near the
Central Market ( T 063 964949, W
( T 017
Golf There's an 18-hole course designed by Nick Faldo at
the Angkor Golf Resort, 5km from town south off NR6
( W
Hospitals and clinics The Royal Angkor International
Hospital, NR6, 2km from the airport ( T 063 761888,
W, has some of the better
medical services including call-out service, 24-hour
emergency care, ambulance, translation and evacuation to
Bangkok. The government-run Siem Reap Provincial
Hospital, 500m north of Psar Chas ( T 063 963111), is basic
and to be used only as a last resort.
Internet Wi-fi is almost universally available at hotels,
guesthouses, restaurants and bars. If you don't have your
own machine there are numerous places with internet
access around town - try the huge (but nameless) place
near Psar Chas between X Bar and the Haven restaurant
(24hr; 3000 riel/hr).
Laundry There are laundries all over town charging $1-2/
kg of washing; some also offer quick turnaround, which
includes tumble drying (essential during the rainy season)
for a bit extra.
Money There are plenty of banks and ATMs throughout
Siem Reap - the Canadia Bank at the junction of Sivatha
Blvd and Hospital St is particularly convenient, and
Tonle Sap lake
Temples aside, you shouldn't leave Siem Reap without exploring the fascinating string of
lakeside villages (both floating and stilted) on the nearby Tonle Sap , the massive freshwater
lake that dominates the map of Cambodia. The majority of these lake's inhabitants are
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