Agriculture Reference
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55 Mack MC, D'Antonio CM, Ley RE (2001) Alteration of ecosystem nitrogen dynamics by exotic
plants: A case study of C 4 grasses in Hawaii. Ecol Appl 11: 1323-1335
56 Scott NA, Saggar S, McIntosh PD (2001) Biogeochemical impact of Hieracium invasion in New
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57 Zavaleta E (2000) Valuing ecosystem services lost to Tamarix invasion in the United States. In:
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58 Grimshaw HJ, Wetzel RG, Brandenburg M, Segerblom K, Wenkert LJ, Marsh GA, Charnetzky C,
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59 Ervin GN, Wetzel RG (2002) Influence of a dominant macrophyte, Juncus effuses , on wetland
plant species richness, diversity, and community composition. Oecologia 130: 626-636
60 Hershock C (2002) Plant community structure in calcareous fens: effects of competition, soil envi-
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61 Rajaniemi TK, Allison, VJ, Goldberg DE (2003) Root competition can cause a decline in diversi-
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62 Hodge A (2000) Microbial ecology of the arbuscular mycorrhiza. FEMS Microbiol Ecol 32:
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66 Tuchman NC, Wetzel RG, Rier ST, Wahtera KA, Teeri JA (2002) Elevated atmospheric CO 2 low-
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67 Wetzel RG (2003) Dissolved organic carbon: Detrital energetics, metabolic regulators, and driv-
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ecosystems: interactivity of dissolved organic matter. Academic Press, San Diego, 455-477
68 Wetzel RG, Tuchman NC (2005) Effects of atmospheric CO 2 enrichment on the production of
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69 Cardon G, Hungate BA, Cambardella CA, Chapin III FS, Field CB, Holland EA, Mooney HA
(2001) Contrasting effects of elevated CO 2 on old and new soil carbon pools. Soil Biol Biochem
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70 Hodge A, Paterson E, Grayston SJ, Campbell CD, Ord BG, Killham K (1998) Characterisation
and microbial utilisation of exudate material from the rhizosphere of Lolium perenne grown under
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71 Hungate BA, Dijkstra P, Johnson DW, Hinkle CR, Drake BG (1999) Elevated CO 2 increases nitro-
gen fixation and decreases soil nitrogen mineralization in Florida scrub oak. Global Change Biol
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72 Rillig MC, Scow KM, Klironomos JN, Allen MF (1997) Microbial carbon-substrate utilization in
the rhizosphere of Gutierrezia sarothrae grown in elevated atmospheric carbon dioxide. Soil Biol
Biochem 29: 1387-1394
73 Kuzyakov Y, Domanski G (2000) Carbon input by plants into the soil: Review. J Plant Nutr Soil
Sci 163: 421-431
74 Grace, JB, Wetzel RG (1981) Habitat partitioning and competitive displacement in cattails
( Typha ): Experimental field studies of the intensity of competition. Am Nat 118: 463-474
75 Grace JB, Wetzel RG (1981b) Phenotypic and genotypic components of growth and reproduction
in Typha latifolia : Experimental studies in marshes of differing successional maturity. Ecology 62:
76 Grace JB, Wetzel RG (1981) Effects of size and growth rate on vegetative reproduction in Typha .
Oecologia 50: 158-161
77 Grace JB, Wetzel RG (1982) Variations in growth and reproduction within populations of two rhi-
zomatous plant species: Typha latifolia and Typha angustifolia . Oecologia 53: 258-263
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