Agriculture Reference
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78 Grace JB, Wetzel RG (1982) Niche differentiation between two rhizomatous plant species: Typha
latifolia and Typha angustifolia . Can J Bot 60: 46-57
79 Dickerman JA, Wetzel RG (1985) Clonal growth in Typha latifolia : Population dynamics and
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80 Wetzel RG, Howe MJ (1999) Maximizing production in a herbaceous perennial aquatic plant by
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83 Kuehn KA, Gessner MO, Wetzel RG, Suberkropp K (1999) Decomposition and CO 2 evolution
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84 Mann CJ, Wetzel RG (1996) Loading and bacterial utilization of dissolved organic carbon from
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85 Mann CJ, Wetzel RG (2000) Effects of the emergent macrophyte Juncus effusus L. on the chem-
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86 Komínková D, Kuehn KA, Büsing N, Steiner D, Gessner MO (2000) Microbial biomass, growth,
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87 Kuehn KA, Lemke MJ, Suberkropp K, Wetzel RG (2000) Microbial biomass and production
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88 Carlton RG, Wetzel RG (1988) Phosphorus flux from lake sediments: Effect of epipelic algal
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91 Atkinson RB, Cairns J Jr, (2001) Plant decomposition and litter accumulation in depressional
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92 Grace JB, Wetzel RG (1978) The production biology of Eurasian Watermilfoil ( Myriophyllum
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93 Barko JW, Smart RM (1981) Comparative influences of light and temperature on the growth and
metabolism of selected submersed freshwater macrophytes. Ecol Monogr 51: 219-235
94 Erwin GN, Wetzel RG (2003) An ecological perspective of allelochemical interference on land-
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95 Van TK, Wheeler GS, Center TD (1998) Competitive interactions between Hydrilla ( Hydrilla
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96 Grace JB (1993) The adaptive significance of clonal reproduction in angiosperms: An aquatic
perspective. Aquat Bot 44: 159-180
97 Smith DH, Madsen JD, Dickson KL, Beitinger TL (2002) Nutrient effects on autofragmentation
of Myriophyllum spicatum. Aquat Bot 74: 1-17
98 Gross EM (1999) Allelopathy in benthic and littoral areas: case studies on allelochemicals from
benthic cyanobacteria and submersed macrophytes. In: Inderjit, KMM Dakshini, CL Foy (eds):
Principles and practices in plant ecology: allelochemical interactions. CRC Press, Boca Raton,
FL, 179-199
99 Toong YC, Schooley DA, Baker FC (1988) Isolation of insect juvenile hormone III from a plant.
Nature 333: 170-171
100 Bede JC, Goodman WG, Tobe SS (1999) Developmental distribution of insect juvenile hormone
III in the sedge, Cyperus iria L. Phytochemistry 52: 1269-1274
101 Bede JC, Teal P, Tobe SS (1999) Production of insect juvenile hormone III and its precursors in
cell suspension cultures of the sedge, Cyperus iria L. Plant Cell Rep 19: 20-25
102 Bede JC, Tobe SS (2000) Activity of insect juvenile hormone III: Seed germination and seedling
growth studies. Chemoecology 10: 89-97
103 Siemens DH, Garner SH, Mitchell-Olds T, Callaway RM (2002) Cost of defense in the context
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