Civil Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
Fig. 2.5 FEA modeling
of EAF [ 36 ]. In previous
research, generic FEA
modeling of EAF proved
unsuccessful. a The FEA
program was capable of
predicting resistive heating
temperature profiles, b the
FEA model proved capable
of predicting a stress-strain
profile for an isothermal test,
c the FEA model, which
accounted solely for resistive
heating, was shown to be
highly inaccurate when trying
to predict an EAF stress-
strain profile
derived from the experimental works on EAF, as well as from conversations with
experts in related fields who have shared their opinions on the electroplastic effect.
The material properties of importance to an EAF process are as follows: 1
thermal conductivity ( k ), 2 density ( ρ ), 3 specific heat ( C p ), 4 heat transfer coef-
ficient ( h ), 5 starting strength coefficient of the material ( C ), 6 strain hardening
exponent of the material ( n ), 7 resistivity ( r ), and 8 the initial grain structure of the
metal. Each of the material-based properties is significant when modeling any heat
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