Civil Engineering Reference
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Fig. 11.21 Schematic and prototype of electrically assisted machining by skiving [ 10 ] Results
For this experimental analysis, a baseline test (i.e., no electricity) as well as tests
with the application of current through the tool into the cutting region (EAM) was
examined. The preliminary results indicate a reduction in the machining force and
improved surface quality of the workpiece. Figure 11.22 shows the steady-state
force profile for the baseline and EAM tests. It can be observed that the test using
the application of current resulted in an approximate 25 % decrease in cutting
force over a large range of the skiving stroke.
Figure 11.23 depicts a comparison of the resultant surfaces for both tests as meas-
ured using scanning white light interferometry. The baseline test exhibits a rough
surface, similar to a chatter condition, while the EAM test shows an elimination
Fig. 11.22 Steady-state
tooling forces for A2 tool
steel workpiece
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