Civil Engineering Reference
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Therefore, as there are a fixed number of elements ( Elements test ) in the test
region, the displacement of each element can be determined by
Elements test
s Elements =
The strain in the elements in the length direction can be calculated using
s + L initial,test
L initial,test
ε L = ln
where L initial,test is the initial length of the entire test region and when assuming
isotropy, the width and thickness strain is
ε w = ε t =− 0.5 ε L
The instantaneous size of the elements is determined using
x uniform = s Elements + x
t uniform = t e ε t
w uniform = w test e ε w
where x uniform is the length of the element, t uniform is the thickness of the sheet
under uniform deformation, t is the initial thickness of the sheet, w uniform is the
width of the sheet under uniform deformation, and w test is the initial width of the
sheet in the testing region. As a result of the uniform deformation assumption, all
the elements have equal lengths, widths, and thicknesses. Additionally, the con-
duction areas and convection areas are determined from the new element sizes by
x uniform
A 11_uniform = A 11
A 22_uniform = x uniform w uniform
where A 11_uniform is the new conduction area in the test region of the sheet and
A 22_uniform is the new convection area in the sheet for each element.
Last, the heat generated from the applied current now varies as a function of
deformation as the resistance of the sheet increases with elongation. The heat gen-
erated can now be given as follows:
I 2 R uniform
t uniform w uniform
e gen_uniform =
s + L initial,test
s + L initial,test
R uniform = ρ e
t uniform w uniform
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