Database Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 8-17. Managing individual target privileges
The lower half of the screen is dedicated to granting privileges to individual targets. Start by selecting the targets
you want to grant privileges to. Clicking on “Add” opens a pop-up window which helps you find the targets you are
after. Check the checkboxes next to the targets and click on the “Select” button to add the targets to the list. A pencil
icon in the right-hand column named “Manage Target Privilege Grants”. Click on it to manage individual privileges
per target. For a large number of targets that can become quite tedious, luckily there is a quicker way to manage
privilege. The first is to select a number of targets followed by a “Grant To Selected”. Whichever privilege you select will
automatically be assigned to all previously selected targets. The other way is to define privileges for one target, and
then copying them to all others using the “Grant to All” button.
You find two fields labeled “Name” and “Type” right underneath the Target Privileges screen. They can be
confusing at first. Their purpose is to control the chaos if you decided to add lots of different targets or target types.
Remember to add target privileges by clicking on the “Add” button.
To ease the administrative burden of user maintenance it might be easier to grant privileges in this screen to a
role rather than granting privileges individually. You create roles by navigating to Setup Security Roles, and the
screens used for the role creation are almost identical to the ones just shown.
Manage Resource Privileges
The resource privileges allow you to grant or deny access to the various internal components of Enterprise Manager
12c Cloud control. The list of subsystems is long, and the exact layout of the screen depends on the plugins you
have installed.
The intention of the privileges is to separate duties. Different members of the IT infrastructure team can have
different tasks and therefore different access privileges. Consider this example: Enterprise Manager has functionality
available for database backups. Members of the backup team should be granted these. If you have a quality assurance
team they could be granted access to Application Replay for example and so on. With a freshly installed Enterprise
Manager system you will see a similar screen to the one shown below in Figure 8-18 .
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