Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Blisters are caused when skin is rubbed repeatedly
against a surface, like the inside of a boot. Make
sure yours fit well and use hiking socks. If you feel a
blister forming, then stop and inspect the affected
area. If a blister has formed, drain it with a needle
prick and use gel-like dressings to protect it.
Bruises are common after a fall. If the injury is
sufficiently painful, apply something cold to the
affected area, like a cold wet cloth.
Cramps are often caused by dehydration, which can
lead to more serious heat exhaustion. Relieve pain
by flexing the affected muscle. In hot weather, use
rehydration salts, or eat salted nuts. Dehydration
can be exacerbated by altitude.
Scrapes must have all the dirt and grit washed out
of them with clean water and an antiseptic cream
applied. Deeper cuts will need dressing.
Sunburn is much worse at altitude, but wherever
you are, reapply sunscreen up to every two hours.
Plant stings and burns can be nasty. Learn to
recognize plants with the toxic chemical urushiol
and avoid them. Wash stings and burns with cold
water and apply either camomile lotion, or for more
serious cases, hydrocortisone cream.
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