Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Keeping the bugs off
There are millions of insect species. Inevitably, a
few will do unpleasant things to you. The good news
is that almost all bites and stings won't do any
lasting damage, although there are exceptions. As
always, prevention is better than cure but it's as
well to know about the more harmful bugs.
Mosquitoes In some countries, mosquitoes carry the
parasite that causes malaria. If you are camping in a
country you don't know, check the status of
mosquito-borne diseases there and seek medical
advice ahead of time.
Ticks These pinhead-sized creatures have powerful
jaws that lock on to you so the tick can suck your
blood. After a day or so they can swell to the size
of a pea. Ticks carry bacteria, which cause Lyme
Disease, which is treatable by antibiotics, but nasty
if left undiagnosed. If you are bitten by a tick, grip
the insect firmly as near as possible to its jaws and
pull it off. Put it in a container for possible later
testing. If a rash develops around the bite between
three days and a month later, get medical advice.
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