Agriculture Reference
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Figure 2.1. Donio eating a meal of fish and rice, which is a typical meal in the Philippines.
(Courtesy of Henry Goltiano.)
Figure 2.2. Typical meal for A´da and Octavio consisting of corn on the cob, trout, and a salad
of tomato, cabbage, and onion.
In the United States a farm meal will often be somewhat different from meals eaten
by nonfarm families, having more carbohydrates and always incorporating bread in one
form or another. Breakfast, the first meal of the day, will be different from lunch, the
second meal of the day, eaten around noon, and dinner, the evening meal, eaten
around 6:00 p.m. Breakfast may be bacon, toast, and eggs or cereal with milk.
Lunch will typically be a sandwich, drink, and a desert, that is, something sweet. In
Ohio, dinner
may be a meat, carbohydrates, potatoes, and two vegetables followed
Names of meals are used differently by different people; some will call the noontime meal dinner and the
evening meal supper, but breakfast is always breakfast.
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