Database Reference
In-Depth Information
The SONAME (“shared object name”) clause specifies the file that contains the plug-in.
To disable a plug-in at runtime, use UNINSTALL PLUGIN . The server unloads the plug-in
and removes its registration from the mysql.plugin table:
UNINSTALL PLUGIN validate_password ;
INSTALL PLUGIN and UNINSTALL PLUGIN require the INSERT and DELETE privilege, re‐
spectively, for the mysql.plugin table.
22.3. Controlling Server Logging
You want to take advantage of log information the server can provide.
Learn the server options that control logging.
The MySQL server can produce several logs:
The error log
The error log contains information about problems or exceptional conditions the
server encounters. This is useful information for debugging. In particular, if the
server exits, check the error log for the reason. For example, if an exit occurs im‐
mediately after startup, it's likely that some setting in the server option file is mis‐
spelled or was set to an invalid value. The error log will contain a message to that
The general query log
The general query log indicates when each client connected and disconnected and
what SQL statements it executed. This tells you how much and what activity each
client is engaged in.
The slow query log
The slow query log records statements that took a long time to execute (see the
MySQL Reference Manual for the meaning of “a long time” because it can be in‐
fluenced by several options). Queries that appear repeatedly in this log may be
bottlenecks worth investigating to see whether they can be made more efficient.
The binary log
The binary log contains a record of data changes made by the server. To set up
replication, you must enable the binary log on the master server: it serves as the
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