Database Reference
In-Depth Information
mysql> SELECT @@plugin_dir;
| @@plugin_dir |
| /usr/local/mysql/lib/plugin/ |
To see which plug-ins are installed, use SHOW PLUGINS or query the INFORMATION_SCHE
Some plug-ins are built in, need not be enabled explicitly, and can‐
not be disabled. The mysql_native_password and sha256_pass
word authentication plug-ins fall into this category.
Plug-in control at server startup
To install a plug-in only for a given server invocation, use the --plugin-load-add
option at server startup, naming the file that contains the plug-in. To name multiple
plug-ins as the option value, separate them with semicolons. Alternatively, use the op‐
tion multiple times, with each instance naming a single plug-in. That makes it easy to
enable or disable individual plug-ins by using the # character to selectively comment
the corresponding lines:
The --plugin-load-add option was introduced in MySQL 5.6. In MySQL 5.5, you must
use a single --plugin-load option that names all the plug-ins to be loaded in a
semicolon-separated list:
Clearly, for dealing with more than one plug-in, --plugin-load-add is superior for ease
of administration.
Plug-in control at runtime
To install a plugin at runtime and make it persistent, use INSTALL PLUGIN . The server
loads the plug-in (which becomes available immediately) and registers it in the
mysql.plugin system table to cause it to load automatically for subsequent restarts. For
INSTALL PLUGIN validate_password SONAME '' ;
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