Database Reference
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<c:set var= "host" > <%= request . getRemoteHost () %> </c:set>
<c:if test= "${empty host}" >
<c:set var= "host" > <%= request . getRemoteAddr () %> </c:set>
<c:if test= "${empty host}" >
<c:set var= "host" > UNKNOWN </c:set>
<sql:update dataSource= "${conn}" >
INSERT INTO hitlog (path, host) VALUES(?,?)
<sql:param> <%= request . getRequestURI () %> </sql:param>
<sql:param value= "${host}" />
Although the hitlog table doesn't maintain page-access counts, you can determine
them easily:
• To determine the number of hits for a given page, use this statement:
SELECT COUNT ( * ) FROM hitlog WHERE path = ' path_name ' ;
• To determine the current counter value for all pages and retrieve them in order with
the most-requested pages first, do this:
SELECT path , COUNT ( * ) FROM hitlog GROUP BY path ORDER BY COUNT ( * ) DESC ;
20.14. Using MySQL for Apache Logging
You don't want to use MySQL to log accesses for just a few pages, as shown in
Recipe 20.13 . You want to log all page accesses, without having to put explicit logging
code in each page.
Tell Apache to log page accesses by writing to a MySQL table.
The uses for MySQL in a web context aren't limited to page generation and processing.
MySQL can help you run the web server itself. For example, most Apache servers are
set up to log a record of page requests to a file. But it's also possible to send log records
to a program instead, from which you can write the records wherever you like—such
as to a database. Logging records in a database rather than a flat file makes the log more
highly structured and you can apply SQL analysis techniques to it. Want to see a par‐
ticular report? Write the SQL statements that produce it. To display the report in a
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