Database Reference
In-Depth Information
Use the counter method as follows:
count = get_hit_count ( dbh , ENV [ "SCRIPT_NAME" ] )
page << cgi . p { "This page has been accessed #{ count } times." }
The recipes distribution includes demonstration hit counter scripts in the apache/
hits directory ( tomcat/mcb for JSP). Install any of these in your web tree, invoke it from
your browser a few times, and watch the count increase. First, you must create the
hitcount table. To do this, use the hits.sql script provided in the tables directory. (The
script also creates the hitlog table because the hit-counting scripts implement hit log‐
ging as well, as discussed in Recipe 20.13 .)
20.13. Web Page Access Logging
You want to know things about a page other than the number of times it's been accessed,
such as when accesses occur and the hosts from which requests originate.
Maintain a hit log rather than a simple counter.
The hitcount table used in Recipe 20.12 records only the access count for each page
registered in it. Suppose that you want to track other information about page access,
such as the time of access and client host for each request. In this case, you must log a
row for each page access rather than maintain only a count:
path VARCHAR ( 255 )
CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_general_cs NOT NULL ,
host VARCHAR ( 255 ),
INDEX ( path )
The hitlog table has the useful property that access times are recorded automatically
in the TIMESTAMP column t when you insert new rows (see Recipe 6.7 ). For notes on
choosing the character set and collation for the path column, see Recipe 20.12 .
To insert new rows into the hitlog table, use this statement:
INSERT INTO hitlog ( path , host ) VALUES ( path_val , host_val );
For example, in a JSP page, log hits like this:
Search WWH ::

Custom Search