Database Reference
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htmlspecialchars ( $name ),
htmlspecialchars ( $values [ $i ]),
$checked ,
htmlspecialchars ( $labels [ $i ]));
if ( $vertical )
$result .= '<br />' ; # display items vertically
return ( $result );
The function constructs the form element as a string, which it returns. To use make_ra
dio_group() to present cow colors, invoke it after fetching the items from the cow_col
or table, as follows:
$stmt = "SELECT color FROM cow_color ORDER BY color" ;
$sth = $dbh -> query ( $stmt );
$values = $sth -> fetchAll ( PDO :: FETCH_COLUMN , 0 );
print ( make_radio_group ( "color" , $values , $values , "" , TRUE ));
Pass the $values array to make_radio_group() twice because it's used both for the values
and the labels.
To present a pop-up menu, use the following function instead:
function make_popup_menu ( $name , $values , $labels , $default )
$result = '' ;
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < count ( $values ); $i ++ )
# select the item if it corresponds to the default value
$checked = ( $values [ $i ] == $default ? ' selected="selected"' : '' );
$result .= sprintf (
'<option value="%s"%s>%s</option>' ,
htmlspecialchars ( $values [ $i ]),
$checked ,
htmlspecialchars ( $labels [ $i ]));
$result = sprintf (
'<select name="%s">%s</select>' ,
htmlspecialchars ( $name ),
$result );
return ( $result );
make_popup_menu() has no $vertical parameter, but otherwise invoke it the same way
as make_radio_group() :
print ( make_popup_menu ( "color" , $values , $values , "" ));
The make_scrolling_list() function is similar to make_popup_menu() , so I don't show
its implementation here. To invoke it to produce a single-pick list, pass the same argu‐
ments as for make_popup_menu() , but indicate how many rows should be visible at once,
and add a multiple argument of FALSE :
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