Database Reference
In-Depth Information
print ( make_scrolling_list ( "color" , $values , $values , "" , 3 , FALSE ));
The state list uses labels that differ from the values. Fetch the labels and values like this:
$values = array ();
$labels = array ();
$stmt = "SELECT abbrev, name FROM states ORDER BY name" ;
$sth = $dbh -> query ( $stmt );
while ( $row = $sth -> fetch ( PDO :: FETCH_NUM ))
$values [] = $row [ 0 ];
$labels [] = $row [ 1 ];
Use the values and labels to generate the type of list you want:
print ( make_popup_menu ( "state" , $values , $labels , "" ));
print ( make_scrolling_list ( "state" , $values , $labels , "" , 6 , FALSE ));
Ruby and Python implementations of the utility functions are similar to the PHP ver‐
sions. For example, the Python version of make_popup_menu() looks like this:
def make_popup_menu ( name , values , labels , default ):
result = ''
# make sure name and default are strings
name = str ( name )
default = str ( default )
for i in range ( len ( values )):
# make sure value and label are strings
value = str ( values [ i ])
label = str ( labels [ i ])
# select the item if it corresponds to the default value
if value == default :
checked = ' selected="selected"'
else :
checked = ''
result += '<option value=" %s " %s > %s </option>' % (
cgi . escape ( value , 1 ),
checked ,
cgi . escape ( label , 1 ))
result = '<select name=" %s "> %s </select>' % (
cgi . escape ( name , 1 ), result )
return result
To present the cow colors in a form, fetch them like this:
values = []
stmt = "SELECT color FROM cow_color ORDER BY color"
cursor = conn . cursor ()
cursor . execute ( stmt )
for ( color , ) in cursor :
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