Database Reference
In-Depth Information
| name | paintings |
| Da Vinci | 2 |
| Monet | 1 |
| Renoir | 1 |
| Van Gogh | 2 |
Now every artist appears to have at least one painting. Why the difference? The problem
is the use of COUNT(*) rather than COUNT(painting.a_id) . The way LEFT JOIN works
for unmatched rows in the left table is that it generates a row with all the columns from
the right table set to NULL . In the example, the right table is painting . The statement
that uses COUNT(painting.a_id) works correctly because COUNT( expr ) counts only
non- NULL values. The statement that uses COUNT(*) is incorrect because it counts
rows , including those containing NULL that correspond to missing artists.
LEFT JOIN is suitable for other types of summaries as well. To produce additional col‐
umns showing the total and average prices of the paintings for each artist in the ar
tist table, use this statement:
mysql> SELECT,
-> COUNT(painting.a_id) AS 'number of paintings',
-> SUM(painting.price) AS 'total price',
-> AVG(painting.price) AS 'average price'
-> FROM artist LEFT JOIN painting ON artist.a_id = painting.a_id
| name | number of paintings | total price | average price |
| Da Vinci | 2 | 121 | 60.5000 |
| Monet | 0 | NULL | NULL |
| Renoir | 1 | 64 | 64.0000 |
| Van Gogh | 2 | 115 | 57.5000 |
Note that COUNT() is zero for artists that are not represented, but SUM() and AVG() are
NULL . The latter two functions return NULL when applied to a set of values with no non-
NULL values. To display a sum or average value of zero in that case, replace SUM( expr )
and AVG( expr ) with IFNULL(SUM( expr ),0) and IFNULL(AVG( expr ),0) .
14.6. Enumerating a Many-to-Many Relationship
You want to display a relationship between tables when any row in either table might
be matched by multiple rows in the other.
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