Database Reference
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| Van Gogh | Starry Night |
| Van Gogh | The Potato Eaters |
Rows in the result that have NULL in the title column correspond to artists listed in
the artist table for whom you have no paintings.
The same principles apply when producing summaries using master and detail tables.
For example, to summarize your art collection by number of paintings per artist, you
might ask, “How many paintings are there per artist in the painting table?” To find the
answer based on artist ID but display artist name (from the artist table), count the
paintings with this statement:
mysql> SELECT, COUNT(painting.a_id) AS paintings
-> FROM artist INNER JOIN painting ON artist.a_id = painting.a_id
| name | paintings |
| Da Vinci | 2 |
| Renoir | 1 |
| Van Gogh | 2 |
On the other hand, you might ask, “How many paintings did each artist paint?” This is
the same question as the previous one (and the same statement answers it), as long as
every artist in the artist table has at least one corresponding painting table row. But
if you have artists in the artist table not yet represented by any paintings in your
collection, they do not appear in the statement output. To produce a summary that also
includes artists with no paintings in the painting table, use a LEFT JOIN :
mysql> SELECT, COUNT(painting.a_id) AS paintings
-> FROM artist LEFT JOIN painting ON artist.a_id = painting.a_id
| name | paintings |
| Da Vinci | 2 |
| Monet | 0 |
| Renoir | 1 |
| Van Gogh | 2 |
Beware of a subtle error that is easy to make when writing that kind of statement. Sup‐
pose that you write the COUNT() function slightly differently, like so:
mysql> SELECT, COUNT(*) AS paintings
-> FROM artist LEFT JOIN painting ON artist.a_id = painting.a_id
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