Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
Greenpeace. (2009). Guide to greener electron-
ics . Retrieved from http://www.greenpeace.nl/
Titulaer, R. (2008). Stulz airconditioning, presen-
tatie, van der Valk , Eindhoven.
Turner, W. P., et al. (2008). Tier classifications
define site infrastructure . Uptime Institute White
paper, Santa Fe.
Kenniskring duurzaamheid rekencentra. (2009).
Het groene rekencentrum van morgen . Eindhoven,
The Netherlands: Fontys Publicatie.
Kisters, H. (2008). Presentatie van de analyse
van duurzaamheid van rekencentra . Eindhoven,
The Netherlands: (Gartner), Fontys.
Data Centre: Is a facility used to house com-
puter systems and associated components, such
as telecommunications and storage systems. It
generally includes redundant or backup power
supplies, redundant data communications con-
nections, environmental controls (e.g., air con-
ditioning, fire suppression) and security devices.
(Wikipedia, 2010)
Procurement: The acquisition of appropri-
ate goods and/or services at the best possible
total cost of ownership to meet the needs of the
purchaser in terms of quality and quantity, time,
and location. Corporations and public bodies often
define processes intended to promote fair and open
competition for their business while minimising
exposure to fraud and collusion. Procurement
is distinguished from purchasing, as procuring
of services and/or goods leads to a longer term
relation between the customer and its supplier.
(partly Wikipedia, 2010)
Sustainability in Data Centres: Sustainable
working in data centres means that these data
centres use materials and energy in such a way that
the environment is burdened as little as possible in
the development, use and disposing of materials
as well as in the use of utilities such as water, gas
and electricity during the set-up, management and
operations of ICT facilities.
NEN. (2008). NPR Computerruimtes en datacen-
tres . Publicatie informatiedag 28/11/2008, NEN,
Delft, informative.
Office, I. C. T. (2009). Video film, meerjarenaf-
spraak en ICT monitor 2008 . Retrieved from
Rasmussen, N. (2006). Implementing energy ef-
ficient data centres . White paper retrieved from
Senter Novem. (2009). Criteria voor duurzaam-
heid bij inkoop . Retrieved from http://www.sen-
Senter Novem. (2009). Energieaftrek jaarverslag
2008, energielijst 2009 , Zwolle.
Senter Novem. (2009). MJA3: Intensivering, ver-
breding en verlenging afspraken, (SenterNovem,
publication number 2MJAF0803).
Tebodin. (2007). ICT stroom door . Den Haag.
Retrieved from www.nederlandict.nl/files/TER/
Thiadens, T. J. G. (2008). Sturing en organisatie
van ICT voorzieningen , 2 nd ed. Zaltbommel, The
Netherlands: van Haren Publishing.
Thiadens, T. J. G., & Counotte-Potman, A. D.
(2009). Duurzaamheid van rekencentra. In Roos,
J. (Ed.), Checklists voor Informatiemanagement .
Deventer, The Netherlands: Kluwer.
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