Environmental Engineering Reference
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Figure 9. Government and information in a “green” data centre
organizations have, as indeed the Rabo Bank and
the City of Amsterdam have done, given a place
to sustainability in their organizational structure
from top to bottom. This means that the situation
as shown in figure 9, in which a data centre orga-
nization governs on sustainability to its optimum
extent, is not often present in the organizations
within the Netherlands.
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velopment. Legal principles and recommenda-
tions (pp. 25-33). London, UK/ Dordrecht, The
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Fontys Hogeschool, I. C. T. (2008). Bestek multi-
functionele afdrukapparatuur . Eindhoven.
Belady, C. (2008). Green grid data centres power
effectiveness metrics: PUE en DCIE, The green
grid . Retrieved from www.greengrid.com.
Graaf, A. van der. (2008). Sleutel energiebespar-
ing in ICT ligt bij datacentres. Energie , October.
Graaf, A. van der. (2009). How green is your data
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Belastingdienst. (2006). Actieprogramma
duurzame Belastingdienst , 2006-2010. Den Haag.
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