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3. Product design (computer-aided technologies, CAx)
4. Manufacturing process management (MPM)
5. Product data management (PDM)
Systems engineering is focused on meeting all requirements, pri-
marily meeting customer needs, and coordinating the systems-design
process by involving all relevant disciplines. An important aspect of life-
cycle management involves a subset within systems engineering called
reliability engineering . Product and portfolio management is focused
on managing resource allocation, tracking progress vs. plan for new
product development projects that are in process (or in a holding sta-
tus). Portfolio management is a tool that assists management in tracking
progress on new products and making trade-off decisions when allo-
cating scarce resources. Product design is the process of creating a new
product to be sold by a business to its customers. Manufacturing process
management is a collection of technologies and methods used to define
how products are to be manufactured. PDM is focused on capturing
and maintaining information on products and/or services through their
development and useful life. Change management is an important part
The core of PLM is in the creation and central management of all product
data and the technology used to access this information and knowledge.
PLM as a discipline emerged from tools such as CAD, CAM (computer-
aided manufacturing), and PDM, but it can be viewed as the integration of
these tools with methods, people, and the processes through all stages of a
product's life. It is not just about software technology but is also a business
st rateg y.
The exact order of event and tasks will vary according to the product
and industry in question, but the main processes are:
1. Conceive
a. Specification
Concept design
2. Design
Detailed design
Validation and analysis (simulation)
Tool design
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