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4.3 Generalized Synchronization Algorithm on Rectangular Arrays
Now we consider a generalized firing squad synchronization problem, in which
the general can be initially located at any position on the array. Moore and
Langdon [14], Szwerinski [17] and Varshavsky, Marakhovsky and Peschansky
[22] developed optimum-time firing algorithms with 17, 10 and 10 internal
states, respectively. In these algorithms, n cells in a 1-D array are fired in
n − 2+max( k, n − k + 1) steps, when the general is located at C k . Our 2-D
mapping scheme can be applied to the design of synchronization algorithms
even in the generalized case. For any 2-D array M of size m×n with the general
at C r,s , where 1 ≤ r ≤ m ,1 ≤ s ≤ n , there exists a corresponding 1-D cellular
array N of length m + n − 1 with the general at C r + s− 1 such that the config-
uration of N can be mapped on M , and M fires if and only if N fires. Based
on the 17-state generalized 1-D algorithm given by Moore and Langdon [14],
we obtain the following 2-D generalized synchronization algorithm that fires in
m + n − 1 2+max( r + s − 1 ,m + n − r − s + 1)= m + n +max( r + s, m +
n − r − s +2) 4 steps. Two additional states are required in our construction
(details omitted). Szwerinski [17] also proposed an optimum-time generalized
2-D firing algorithm with 25,600 internal states that fires any m × n array in
m + n +max( m, n ) min( r, m− r +1) min( s, n− s +1) 1 steps, where ( r, s )is
the general's initial position. Our 2-D generalized synchronization algorithm is
max( r + s, m + n−r−s +2) max( m, n )+min( r, m−r + 1)+min( s, n−s +1) 3
steps larger than the optimum algorithm proposed by Szwerinski [17]. However,
the number of internal states required to yield the firing condition is the smallest
known at present. Snapshots of our 19-state generalized synchronization algo-
rithm running on a rectangular array of size 6 × 8 with the general at C 3 , 4 are
shown in Fig. 7.
[Theorem 7] There exists a 19-state 2-D CA that can synchronize any m × n
rectangular array in m + n + max( r + s, m + n − r − s +2) 4 steps with the
general at an arbitrary initial position ( r, s ).
5 Implementation of Optimum-Time Synchronization
Algorithm on Square Arrays
In this section, we present a new 9-state synchronization algorithm that runs in
the optimum (2 n − 2) steps on n × n square arrays. Our algorithm is the same
as that of Shinahr [16] and operates as follows. By dividing the entire square
array into n L-shaped 1-D arrays such that the length of the i th L is 2 n− 2 i +1
(1 ≤ i ≤ n ), we treat the square firing as n independent 1-D firings with the
general located at the center cell. On the i th L, a general is generated at C i,i at
time t =2 i − 2, and the general initiates the horizontal and vertical firings on
the row and column arrays via an optimum-time synchronization algorithm. The
array fires in optimum time t =2 i− 2+2( n−i +1) 2=2 n− 2. Let Q be a set of
internal states for the 1-D optimum-time synchronization algorithm. When we
implement the 1-D algorithm on 2-D square arrays based on the scheme above,
2 || Q || − 1 states are normally required for independent row and column firings
when the firing state is shared.
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