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passenger cars passed , the number of lorries passed , the average speed of the pas-
senger cars , and the average speed of the lorries . Our approach to generate the
tra c state in the whole autobahn network from these locally measured quanti-
ties is to feed the data into an advanced cellular automaton tra c simulator. The
simulator does not only deliver information about the tra c states in regions
not covered by measurement, but also delivers reasonable estimates for other
valuable quantities like travel times for routes, a quantity that is not directly
accessible through the measurements of the detectors.
2 Simulation Model
Because data is fed real-time into the simulator it has to be e cient, that is, at
least real time. Due to their design cellular automata models are very e cient
in large-scale network simulations [1,2,3,4,5]. Models which reproduce the dy-
namic phases of tra c are still under debate. For this reason an object-oriented
design of the simulator is advantageous because it allows a flexible use of dif-
ferent cellular automata models through inheritance of classes. The first cellular
automaton model for tra c flow that was able to reproduce some characteristics
of real tra c, like jam formation, was suggested by Nagel and Schreckenberg [6]
in 1992. We will give a brief review of their basic model before we describe the
more advanced cellular automaton model used by the simulator, which includes
anticipation, brake-lights, and asymmetric rules for lane changes.
2.1 The Nagel-Schreckenberg Model
In the Nagel-Schreckenberg model the road is represented by a one dimensional
lattice which is subdivided in cells with a length of 7 . 5m. Each cell is either
occupied by one vehicle or is empty. In every time-step t → t + 1 the following
update rules are applied to the cars in the lattice in parallel:
Step 1: Acceleration:
v n ( t + 1
3 ) := min( v n ( t )+1 ,v max ) .
Step 2: Braking:
v n ( t + 2
3 ) := min( v n ( t + 1
3 ) ,d n ( t ) 1) .
Step 3: Randomization with probability constant p ∈ ]0 , 1[:
max( v n ( t + 3 ) 1 , 0) ,
with probability p ,
v n ( t +1):=
v n ( t + 3 ) ,
Step 4: Move (drive):
x n ( t +1):= x n ( t )+ v n ( t +1) .
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