Biomedical Engineering Reference
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(b) Annealed PLA/PCL
(c) Quenched PLA/PCL/LTI
(d) Annealed PLA/PCL/LTI
Fig. 22. FE-SEM micrographs of fracture surfaces of quenched and annealed samples.
In summary, the bending modulus and strength of both PLA/PCL and PLA/PCL/LTI are
effectively improved by annealing. Crystallization of the PLA phase by annealing is thought
to strengthen the structure of the PLA/PCL blend, resulting in increase of these properties.
The mode I fracture energy of PLA/PCL significantly decreases by annealing mainly owing
to embrittlement of the PLA phase. For the case of PLA/PCL/LTI, the structural
transformation due to polymerization by LTI addition and crystallization by annealing
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