Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Money exchange: Center hall of the station. As you stand looking at the train
information board above the ticket windows, the office is on your right. Hours:
0800-2000 daily.
Hotel reservations: Can be made at the Reservations booth in the center hall
of the station. Hotel accommodations can also be obtained by visiting the tourist
information center in the town hall facing the Grand'Place. (Refer to the section
“Tourist Information/Hotel Reservations.”) Hours: 0900-1730 daily.
Train information: Displayed in the main station area immediately above the
ticket windows. This is hourly information. Regular printed schedules are also
Train reservations are available only at North and South (Midi) Stations.
Rail pass validation must be completed at either North or Midi Station.
South Station (Gare du Midi), Rue de France 2. Gateway to Great Britain (via
Eurostar trains through the Channel Tunnel), France, and Spain. On the main floor
you will find all the necessary train and tourist services. The tracks are located
on the floor above, and each track has its own escalator leading to it. The under-
ground metro station is underneath the rail station.
Money exchange: Left side of the main hall as you enter from the street. Hours:
0700-2200 daily.
Hotel reservations: “Information” booth in the center of the main hall. Hours:
0900-1800 Monday-Friday. If the information booth is closed, use the Brussels
International Tourism & Congress in the Grand'Place.
Train reservations and rail pass validation: Local trains, at the ticket counters
in the main hall. Reservations for international trains must be made in the Rela-
tions Internationales Office on the far right-hand side of the main hall. Take a
number from the ticket machine to wait for your turn. Rail passes may be valid-
ated at this office; Eurostar has its own terminal where its tickets are validated.
Eurostar Terminal: Right side of the main hall as you enter from the street.
Automatic ticket check-in (a simple insertion of your ticket into a machine) be-
gins one hour prior to departure. Then enter the main terminal, which consists
of a large waiting room, cafes, and duty-free stores. Keep in mind that you will
carry your luggage onto the train as there is no baggage check-in. If you did not
purchase your Eurostar tickets before departing for Europe, they may be pur-
chased at the Relations Internationales Office.
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