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for our feet, and the bottom closest to our ears, receiving sensations from our face.
The face and hands are highly sensitive to touch and require most of the somatosen-
sory cortex.
Angular Gyrus
The angular gyrus within the temporal lobes is a left hemispheric bundle, although
occasionally it is found on the right. It is a connector between a written word
recognizer and the forward regions of the brain.
Planum Temporale
The planum temporale is associated with language comprehension. Typically it is
larger in the left hemisphere within Wernicke's area.
Wernicke's Area
Wernicke's area is named after the German neurologist, Carl Wernicke; it is a
language comprehension region located usually in the upper posterior left temporal
lobe. Damage (lesions) in this region was found to result in serious problems of
The cerebellum or little brain is located behind the brainstem, near the little bump at
the lower back of the head. It is thought to be a support system for cognitive
functions involving sensory input. It has more neurons than other parts of the brain.
The brainstem is a centimeter or two in diameter and relays information between
body and brain. The back of the brainstem is connected to the cerebellum, with a
number of specialized structures to the hindbrain and the midbrain.
Interior Parts
Important interior parts of a brain are diagramed in Fig. 1.2 .
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