Java Reference
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the MessageConnection instance configured for MT messages—but message handling is
trickier, because the message may contain any number of message parts. The receive
thread checks to be sure that the Message it received from the MessageConnection
instance is a MultipartMessage instance, and then examines each of its parts to find a
part with the MIME type image/png . Once it does so, it creates an instance of Image
using the bytes from that part. It then updates the display with the image from that
part with the inner class SetImage . Finally, the thread's run loop resumes waiting on the
monitor variable for another incoming message notification.
Like the SMSMIDlet example, sending also occurs on a separate thread; the
MMSSender class manages the sending of each outgoing message. Listing 14-9 shows the
MMSSender class.
Listing 14-9. The MMSSender Class
package com.apress.rischpater.mmsmidlet;
import javax.wireless.messaging.*;
public class MMSSender implements Runnable {
private static MMSSender me = new MMSSender();
private MMSSender() {
public static MMSSender getInstance() {
return me;
private String receiver = null;
private String appId = null;
private String image = null;
private String msg = null;
private String encoding = null;
private boolean sending = false;
public void sendMsg(String r, String id, String m, String i) {
if (sending) return;
receiver = r;
appId = id;
image = i;
encoding = System.getProperty("microedition.encoding");
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