Java Reference
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} catch (Exception e) {}
private void getMessage() {
synchronized(monitor) {
public void notifyIncomingMessage(MessageConnection c) {
if (c != null) {
class SetImage implements Runnable {
private Image img = null;
public SetImage(Image i) {
public void run() {
The division of responsibility in the MMSMIDlet class is the same as in the SMSMIDlet
class, although both the receiving and sending code is more complicated, reflecting
the asynchronous nature of MMS interaction. Initialization for message receipt in
startReceive is similar to the implementation in SMSMIDlet , with one exception: the
MMSMIDlet implementation registers a message listener with the MessageConnection
returned from the GCF, so that the Java ME runtime can notify it of incoming messages
through the notifyIncomingMessage method.
When the MIDlet receives notification of an incoming message, it invokes
getMessage . Together, getMessage and the receive thread's run method (originally
spawned by startReceive ) use a message counter msgAvail and the monitor variable
monitor to coordinate message receipt; if the MIDlet is receiving a message, getMessage
waits before notifying the receive thread that another incoming message is pending.
The receive thread's main loop is slightly more complicated because it uses the
monitor; it first waits on the monitor and then receives the incoming message. Receiv-
ing the message is the same as in the SMSMIDlet example—it just invokes receive on
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