Java Reference
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΢ Exercise P9.3. A person has a name and a height in centimeters. Use the
implementation of the DataSet class in Section 9.4 to process a
collection of Person objects. Display the average height and the name of
the tallest person.
΢ Exercise P9.4. Modify the implementation of the DataSet class in
Section 9.1 (the one processing Measurable objects) to also compute the
minimum data element.
΢ Exercise P9.5. Modify the implementation of the DataSet class in
Section 9.4 (the one using a Measurer object) to also compute the
minimum data element.
΢ Exercise P9.6. Using a different Measurer object, process a set of
Rectangle objects to find the rectangle with the largest perimeter.
΢΢΢ Exercise P9.7. Enhance the DataSet class so that it can either be used
with a Measurer object or for processing Measurable objects. Hint:
Supply a default constructor that implements a Measurer that
processes Measurable objects.
΢΢ Exercise P9.8. Define an interface Filter as follows:
public interface Filter
boolean accept(Object x);
Modify the implementation of the DataSet class in Section 9.4 to use
both a Measurer and a Filter object. Only objects that the filter
accepts should be processed. Demonstrate your modification by having a
data set process a collection of bank accounts, filtering out all accounts
with balances less than $1,000.
΢΢ Exercise P9.9. Look up the definition of the standard Comparable
interface in the API documentation. Modify the DataSet class of Section
9.1 to accept Comparable objects. With this interface, it is no longer
meaningful to compute the average. The DataSet class should record the
minimum and maximum data values. Test your modified DataSet class
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