Hardware Reference
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There are several other command-line parameters for chmod , as follows:
This changes all the permissions for all the directories and files
This displays a message for every file that is processed
This only displays files that have their permissions changed
Command-line parameters for chmod
Redirection in bash
One of the more advanced features of bash are the redirection operators.
These operators allow you to divert the input or output of a command to another
command or file. While this sounds simple, it is an extremely powerful feature.
There are several redirection operators built into bash, as shown here:
This is a general-purpose command that chains similar to >
This redirects the output of a command to a file
This reads a file and passes it to the command
This appends the output of the command to a file
Redirection operators
The | operator is a general-purpose command-changing tool. A simple example
of this is to use it with cat and the program more . The more program is a simple
program that lets you move backward and forward throughout a file on the screen in
order to read it. The more command gets the data that you want to read from the cat
command. The | operator connects two programs together.
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