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Changing the permissions of the demo.txt file
It is also possible to individually add and remove permissions from a file or folder.
To do this, the user can use the notations described in the previous two tables.
We have the demo.txt file with the permissions as shown in the screenshot
( The default permissions of the /home/pi directory ) given earlier in this chapter.
The permissions are as follows:
Read and write
All Users
No permissions
If we want to add the write permission to members of the same group, we do as
shown in the following screenshot:
Changing the permissions of the demo.txt file
The + symbol adds permissions and the - symbol removes permissions from files.
We can see that the file now has group permissions to read and write. The
disadvantage of using this method is that you need to separately set the permissions
of the file for the owner, group, and all users.
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