Biology Reference
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Fig. 1 Phases of the PSI formal document process by which standards are reviewed before to be published.
MIAPE and recommendation documents ( a ); Community practice and information documents ( b )
MIAPE Modules
As it has been already commented, MIAPE guidelines have been
defi ned in a modular way, so each module contains a checklist of
information to include when reporting a certain part of the work-
fl ow in a proteomics experiment.
In a typical proteomics experiment, we can differentiate differ-
ent phases or steps: a sample separation in one or more dimensions
in order to reduce its complexity; the acquisition of mass spectra by
analyzing the sample in a mass spectrometer; and the bioinformat-
ics analysis of the data generated in the previous step in order to
identify or quantify proteins and/or peptides from the sample.
Accordingly, with these proteomics workfl ow differentiations,
HUPO-PSI defi ned the following MIAPE modules:
(a) MIAPE modules on complexity reduction of samples:
-MIAPE gel electrophoresis (MIAPE-GE) [ 29 ]: it describes
the experimental protocol by which a sample is submitted
to electrophoretic separation in a one or two dimensional
gel matrix. This includes the gel matrix preparation and
manufacturing, the run electrophoresis conditions, visual-
ization techniques such as gel staining, as well as the scan-
ning method performed to obtain the digitalized images
of the gel matrixes.
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