Database Reference
In-Depth Information
Troubleshooting Availability Groups
A new system function has been added that will help you identify if the database
and instance you are currently working on is the primary replica. The function is
called sys.fn_hadr_is_primary_replica and the syntax for the is function is
as follows:
sys.fn_hadr_is_primary_replica ( 'dbname' )
Here, 'dbname' is the name of the database you want to check. The procedure
returns a 1 , if it evaluates to true, that is, it is the primary replica. You can combine
this with some logical code to determine which section of the code to run depending
on whether the replica is currently the primary replica.
The following script will back up your database if the current instance that it runs is
the primary instance:
declare @dbname varchar(30)
declare @backuplocation varchar(80)
set @dbname = 'DB1'
Set @backuplocation = 'c:\BACKUP\'
set @backuplocation = @backuplocation + @dbname
If sys.fn_hadr_is_primary_replica ( @dbname ) <> 1
SELECT 'Nothing to backup'
BACKUP DATABASE @DBName to disk = @backuplocationIt
Other improvements in AlwaysOn troubleshooting include some changes to the
dashboard. The AlwaysOn Availability Group dashboard allows you to monitor
the state of your Availability Group.
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