Databases Reference
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Date formatting
We have a column named date_published in our book table; let us change its
type to DATETIME . Then, we set its MIME type to text/plain and the browser
transformation to text/plain: dateformat . The next step is to edit the row for the
"Future souvenirs" book, and enter 2003-01-01 14:56:00 in the date_published
column. When we browse the table, we now see that the column has been formatted.
Hovering the mouse over it reveals the unformatted original contents, as shown in
the following screenshot:
This transformation accepts two options. The first is the number of hours (zero by
default) that will be added to the original value. Adding number of hours can be
useful if we store all time values based on Coordinated Universal Time ( UTC ), but
want to display them for a specific zone (for example, UTC+5). The second option
is the time format we want to use, specified using any PHP strftime parameters
(more details at ). So, if we put '0','Year: %Y' in the
Transformation options , we will get the following output:
Links from text
Suppose that we have put a complete URL— —in the
description column in our book table. The text of the link will be displayed while
browsing the table, but we would not be able to click it. We will now see the use of
the text/plain MIME type in such a situation.
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