Databases Reference
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Here, the options are presented in the form of width and height. If we omit the
options, the default values are 100 and 100. The thumbnail generation code preserves
the original aspect ratio of the image. Therefore, the values entered are the maximum
width and height of the generated image. We then upload a .jpeg file in a cell (using
instructions from Chapter 5 ). As a result, we get the following screen in Browse mode
for this table:
This thumbnail can be clicked to reveal a full-size photograph.
The thumbnail is not stored anywhere, but generated each time we go
into Browse mode for this set of rows. On a double Xeon 3.2 GHz server,
we commonly experience a generation rate of six JPEG images per second.
No caching of these thumbnails is offered by phpMyAdmin.
For a .png file, we have to use image/png in the MIME type dialog, and image/png:
inline in the Browse transformation dialog.
Adding links to an image
To provide a link without the thumbnail, we use the image/jpeg: link
transformation. There are no transformation options. This link can be used to
view the photograph (by left-clicking on the link) and then possibly download it
(by right-clicking on the photograph itself).
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