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No Y's
trustworthiness to
W-Del (X Y
) ?
Ye s
Y's trustworthiness is
exactly the one
believed by X
Bel (Y W-Del( X Y
) ?
Ye s
Does Y
Bel (X Bel Y W-Del( X Y
) ?
Ye s
Ye s
Belief Revision: X
considers Y less
Belief Revision: X
considers Y more
Does Y
Learning: X
evaluates the -
Ye s
Learning: X
evaluates the +
Figure 6.4
Flow-Chart resuming the different mental situations in weak-delegation
In Figure 6.5, it reiterated how weak delegation can influence the delegee's trustworthiness.
Agent X has both a belief about Y 's trustworthiness and a hypothetical scenario of the utilities
(in the case of success or failure) of all the possible choices it can do (to delegate to Y or to W ,
etc., or to not delegate and do it on its own or do nothing). On this basis it makes a weak dele-
gation and maybe it changes Y 's trustworthiness. In the last case (changed trustworthiness of
the trustee) maybe that X 's choice (done before Y 's action and of its spontaneous collaboration
or of its negative reactions) results better or worst with respect to the previous possibilities. In
other words, in the case in which the weak delegation changes Y 's trustworthiness (without
X being able to foresee this change), the new trustworthiness of Y will be different from the
expected one by X (and planned in a different decision scenario).
6.3.2 The Case of Strong Delegation
We call strong delegation (S-Delegates(X Y
)) , that based on (explicit) agreement between X
and Y.
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