Biology Reference
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Box 4.2 Selected Examples of the Different Roles Wolbachia Can Play in the Biology
of Arthropods
Block transmission of disease-causing agents
Wolbachia strain wMel injected into Aedes albopictus causes cytoplasmic
Blagrove et al. 2012
incompatibility and blocks dengue transmission in mosquitoes naturally
infected with two different strains of Wolbachia (wAlbA and wAlbB).
Wolbachia strain wMel can delay accumulation of RNA (but not DNA) viruses in
Teixeira et al. 2008
Drosophila melanogaster .
Unstable (somatic) infections with wMelPop and wAlbB strains are virulent and
Hughes et al. 2011
inhibit the malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum in Anopheles gambiae .
Cytoplasmic incompatibility (CI)
Tsetse fly Glossina morsitans males infected with Wolbachia that mate with females
lacking Wolbachia exhibit CI.
Alam et al. 2011
Males of Ephestia kuehniella infected with Wolbachia transmit fewer fertile sperm
Lewis et al. 2011
than uninfected males.
D. melanogaster and D. simulans ; Wolbachia also causes assortative mating by
females .
Gazla and
Carracedo 2011
Male killing
Wolbachia strain wSca infecting the moth Ostrinia scapulalis causes male killing.
Females died when cured of the infection. wSca carries a genetic factor that
feminizes degraded. A mismatch between the genetic and phenotypic the male
and the sex-determining system of the host is sex causes sex-specific death.
Sugimoto and
Ishikawa 2012
Modification of immune responses
Wolbachia in Aedes aegypti reduced transmission of dengue virus and increased
longevity in the mosquitoes.
Bian et al. 2010
Wolbachia in Anopheles gambiae inhibit the immune system.
Hughes et al. 2011
Wolbachia (wMelPop strain) injected into Anopheles gambiae stimulated immune
gene expression and inhibited Plasmodium development.
Kambris et al. 2010
Wolbachia strain wAlbB injected into Aedes aegypti (Waco strain) had a strong
resistance to dengue virus, Plasmodium , and filarial nematodes. Resistance
is due to activation of the Toll pathway that is responsible for activation of
antimicrobial peptides (defensins and cecropins).
Pan et al. 2012
Wolbachia in the mite genus Bryobia causes all female production due to apomixis
(development without fertilization of the egg).
Weeks and Breeuwer
Nutritional mutualism
Sequencing of different Wolbachia strains indicated they may provide nutritional
benefits. Drosophila melanogaster reared on iron-restricted or -overloaded diets
had improved fecundity if infected with Wolbachia strain wMel.
Brownlie et al. 2009
Temperature effects
Males of Drosophila simulans infected with Wolbachia have higher levels of heat-
shock proteins, which result in more progeny than uninfected males can
produce if treated to a heat shock.
Feder et al. 1999
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